Enroos Night-Watch Warning

We see a rise of caretakers in the northern countries, since January 2, 2019 when we started live broadcast 4th Night Watch Victory Prayer from Monday to Friday, many have been part of the early morning prayers from the northern countries. But also from all over the world.

There are at least 23 writings in the Bible about the watchman and there are many writings related to the 4th Night Watch. We focus the ascent of watcman to the 4th night clock which is between 3am-6am. There are several writings on the historical events during the 4th night clock;

  • Jacob wrestled with God and met him face to face just before entering his destiny as Israel. Genesis 32: 22-31
  • Moses led the Israelites over the Red Sea Exodus 14: 25-26
  • Gideon defeated the Midianites (center guard), Judges 7: 19-24
  • Peter and Jesus walk on water, Matthew 14: 25-26
  • The angels act as shepherds in the field to announce the Savior's birth. Luke 2: 8-14
  • Jesus is the resurrection of the dead, Matthew 28: 1
The benefits of 4th Night Watch
You will create another victory around Job 38:12 "command your day, that the dawn (sunrise) may feel its place". The threefold advantage you have is # 1) Your soul and soul are not bombarded by words, obligations, thoughts from the outside. You can focus on God with a mind that is healthy and peaceful. No. 2) The forces of darkness and power do not patrol that time, at least not to the same extent as during the day, why? The devil needs people and the masses of people who walk on earth and geographical areas to establish their evil presence. In the same way, God needs people who are pure and holy to be used as vessels of His power. No. 3) Scripture as the above proves to us a special trait, opportunities that take place through the Spirit of God.

We see that many people's lives change as a result of being in the 4th Night Watch Victory Prayer, here are some of many:
"I have come into the glory of God and experienced the presence of Yeshua" M. L
"It has changed my spiritual life and I clearly hear from the Lord" M.I.
"Finally a solution how to be over and not under. Very fast changes have occurred in my life" L. S
"It is such a revelation of the word and the spiritual realm" M. T
"It gives me power for my days and reveals the demons" U.K.
"A lot of struggle has disappeared and new authority has come and revelation what is happening in the kingdom of the spirit, how I win victory" N. A
"My life has been significantly affected and changed" I. A
"You give us tools to change and evolve as a guardian, overcome the devil step by step" M. A
"A huge change in my life my prayer is stronger, the protection is stronger. I hear God better" R. O
"My prayer change changes all my days is much better and I have become more sensitive in the Spirit. I learn so much" E. P
True watchman and false watchman. WARNING FOR JON-ARE PEDERSEN !!!
Before a new God's movement comes into full manifestation, there is an increase in the false one trying to lure and seduce others into a very, very dark, deceptive way of approaching things. Scripture speaks of wolves in cheap clothes, false prophets Matthew 7:15. The whole approach speaks to others because of rumors, lies, this type of people often have jealousy and inability to see any true manifestations of a life of faith according to, for example, Mark 16: 17-18 because of their sin. One of the biggest deceivers is Jon-Are Pedersen who has something called "holy remnant" a blog, a deceiver, a liar. Jon-Are Pedersen does not present many Bible teachings, the words of the doctrine for anyone to be built up in faith in the God of the Bible.

NO fruit at all
Jon-Are Pedersen cannot show any fruits and testimonies that people have been set free, healed, the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5: 22-23) or other fruits the Bible mentions ??? But, Jon-Are Pedersen bases what he does on writing negative (negative is not only bad but if your posts are 95% negative then there is something that is completely wrong). Not only the worse is that many of Jon-Are Pedersen's writings are filled with pure lies and deceptions about me and others. THERE IS NO CONVICTING NO CONVICTION OF THE WHOLE SPIRIT IN JON-ARE PEDERSEN'S WRITINGS ???

People like Jon-Are Pedersen do this when they have failed in their own lives and go into disappointment which has developed into bitterness. Hebrews 12:15 "Looks carefully that no one fails by the grace of God; so that no root of bitterness will trouble you, and thereby many will be polluted." Jon-Are Pedersen is a liar and lives unclean sexually and has serious problems in his personal life in this area, 1 Corinthians 5: 9-11 "I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexual immoral people". This kind of people have fallen from grace and what's worse they disqualify themselves from being part of the 4th Night Watch Victory Prayer, here are some of the many:
"I have come into the glory of God and experienced the presence of Yeshua" M. L
"It has changed my spiritual life and I clearly hear from the Lord" M.I.
"Finally a solution how to be over and not under. Very fast changes have occurred in my life" L. S
"It is such a revelation of the word and the spiritual realm" M. T
"It gives me power for my days and reveals the demons" U.K.
"A lot of struggle has disappeared and new authority has come and revelation what is happening in the kingdom of the spirit, how I win victory" N. A
"My life has been significantly affected and changed" I. A
"You give us tools to change and evolve as a guardian, overcome the devil step by step" M. A
"A huge change in my life my prayer is stronger, the protection is stronger. I hear God better" R. O
"My prayer change changes all my days is much better and I have become more sensitive in the Spirit. I learn so much" E. P
True watchman and false watchman. WARNING FOR JON-ARE PEDERSEN !!!
Before a new God's movement comes into full manifestation, there is an increase in the false one trying to lure and seduce others into a very, very dark, deceptive way of approaching things. Scripture speaks of wolves in cheap clothes, false prophets Matthew 7:15. The whole approach speaks to others because of rumors, lies, this type of people often have jealousy and inability to see any true manifestations of a life of faith according to, for example, Mark 16: 17-18 because of their sin. One of the biggest deceivers is Jon-Are Pedersen who has something called "holy remnant" a blog, a deceiver, a liar. Jon-Are Pedersen does not present many Bible teachings, the words of the doctrine for anyone to be built up in faith in the God of the Bible.

NO fruit at all

Jon-Are Pedersen cannot show any fruits and testimonies that people have been set free, healed, the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5: 22-23) or other fruits the Bible mentions ??? But, Jon-Are Pedersen bases what he does on writing negative (negative is not only bad but if your posts are 95% negative then there is something that is completely wrong). Not only the worse is that many of Jon-Are Pedersen's writings are filled with pure lies and deceptions about me and others. THERE IS NO CONVICTING NO CONVICTION OF THE WHOLE SPIRIT IN JON-ARE PEDERSEN'S WRITINGS ???

People like Jon-Are Pedersen do this when they have failed in their own lives and go into disappointment which has developed into bitterness. Hebrews 12:15 "Looks carefully that no one fails by the grace of God; so that no root of bitterness will trouble you, and thereby many will be polluted." Jon-Are Pedersen is a liar and lives unclean sexually and has serious problems in his personal life in this area, 1 Corinthians 5: 9-11 "I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexual immoral people". This kind of people have fallen from grace and what is worse they disqualify themselves from being part of God's future traits in the nation. Interesting fact is that Jon-Are Pedersen is in contact with a Christian witch from where he receives some of his information from. This, which in recent years has been "cast" from 11 different churches in Sweden due to her manipulation, witchcraft, lies and attempts to divide churches. This witch has similar problems as it is written in 1 Corinthians 5: 9-11.

Do not trust man but trust in the anointing
We have an overwhelming number of people receiving miracles, healing, deliverance and most important things as they get closer to God and are more hungry for Him and seek their face and read their Bibles. This is the report we receive every week from all over the world. Always remember that Satan cannot copy the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Truth. You must always test the spirits, understand the function of the inner testimony, and trust in the anointing of the Holy Spirit that has been released from heaven as the help, 1 John 2: 20-25.

The revival in Sweden will be nasty
It is time to protect the truth reveal liars and make it public, because God told me a few months ago that "the revival in Sweden will be nasty." Meaning many lies will manifest as we move forward. So this is just a confirmation of things God has already spoken to me about. To conclude with this all who repent and bear the fruit of repentance will be forgiven according to the Bible.

For Jon-Are Pedersen, this is a ticket price!
I would meet Jon-Are Pedersen in public at any time and fill a hall with people to witness and 20 people with fights and incurable diseases. I would broadcast this meeting LIVE on Youtube, Persicope, Twitter, Facebook as proof to everyone!

Then I would let Jon-Are Pedersen serve his God (or voice he follows) for 60 minutes, then we will all see what God Jon-Are Pedersen actually serves.

Then I would serve my God for 15 minutes and then everyone can see for themselves which God I serve?
We can get doctors to be part of the chosen meeting of those who are ill so that they can verify the fruit.

Of course, this can only work if Jon-Are Pedersen's God (or voice he follows) is awake at that moment and not sleeping, or not a sudden trip or busy with other things (such has happened before in 1Kings 18:30 -35).

I have tried to call (via messenger several times and left a message) Jon-Pedersen but no answer, let's see how this hypocrite and the offspring of a viper has enough backbone to meet in person?

Waiting to arrange a neutral plant, date and time?

Update 12/6 no 1: Jon-Are Pedersen posts about this blog on his facebook.
My questions are still unanswered? I have a ticket price (text above) to meet with live broadcast to everyone to see further eyewitnesses in a hall plus sick people as stated above. Now, you Jon-Are Pedersen who calls me fake why don't you take the chance to meet me in public and reveal me? WHERE CAN WE SEE WHO'S FALSE AND WHO IS REALLY WAITING FOR YOUR ANSWER?

Update 12/6 no. 2: Jon-Are Pedersen so called answer. JON-ARE PEDERSEN DON'T WANT TO MEET ???
Facts # 1) Jon-Are Pedersen does not want to meet to record everything in the light of the Bible and discuss (with live broadcast to all social media in front of people to be a witness of things being said). This is typically with sect leaders they want to hide!

Facts # 2) Jon-Are Pedersen does not want to meet to show at a public meeting the fruit of following the Bible and the Son of God, says the Bible of the FRUIT YOU SCREW THEM Matt 12:33. So the only fruit left or seen by Jon-Are Pedersen is lies, accusations, not willing to meet a person, not willing to bring things to light.

Jon-Are Pedersen not willing to follow biblical protocol?

Facts # 3) Jon-Are Pedersen uses irony to drive focus from himself and his cowardly way to avoid meeting in public. In fact, Jon-Are Pedersen is not ready to stand up for what he thinks, he stays in his room behind closed doors and makes his blogs and makes himself uncomfortable? What a coward! but what more can you expect from the evil servant?

Facts # 4) Jon-Are Pedersen does not believe in angels and tries to take what I say out of context. If I have seen an angel with clothes of a certain color, it is only according to "[[Hebrews 13: 2]] KJV * Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have had angels uneven." Some people will be aware of an angel like Mary who was called to give birth to the Son of God. When we focus on God and the Bible, God and the Bible are what will begin to come into our real life. Simple!
so I will have an online meeting about angels the biblical way!

Since this is the way, I will hereby declare that then the God of the Bible will judge between you Jon-Are Pedersen and me from this day forward!

Harry Forsberg, I stand for everything the Bible stands for, that's my answer to you. Judging a person from an individual meeting as if it were the only thing being proclaimed is not factual. The personal relationship with the Lord is most important of all as the disciples walked in the gospels with the Lord. Based on this and the Bible word, studying the Bible is a life to live, I have always preached and preached. It's very simple really! We all have different experiences and can also express ourselves differently because of this. We can all have different views in different details but need not inflate a scholarly battle in every detail. I believe that one should interpret the entire Bible based on everything the Lord says and does in the gospels and let this be a guideline because it is in Him we live and are, I am grateful that He sent the Holy Spirit to help God see this. Son. This is what I stand for! If you want to criticize me for everything possible between heaven and earth, it's up to you. If I am now perceived as threatening when I want meetings in cities where there are a few who lie about me, it is certainly a threat to the lie and nothing else, it is no small lies but brutal and bizarre without factual background. There you really need to sharpen up to the level of fact. That's all I have to say to you here. Thank you for me at the same time, I would also like to say that I forgive each and every one of you! Thanks and goodbye!

However, need to be warned about such people!

UPDATE June 14 My latest writings to Jon-Are Pedersen after trying to communicate with them.
Jon-Are Pedersen must be warned about in public!

I will publicly warn you, Jon-Are Pedersen, wherever I go all over the world. You are not a servant of the Bible, but a servant of darkness. You are an evil person who must be warned about in public, your sect as so-called "leadership style" is very similar to Knutby in Sweden and other very harmful and controlling cults!

This is the end of my answers and I recommend everyone leave from Jon-Are Pedersen, a servant of darkness! This man is full of lies and evil, a secretary! The devil can also use Bible verses to deceive people!

But when it comes to showing off and bringing things to light in public. Jon-Are Pedersen does not want to be exposed!

DEVILS does not want to meet, because LIGHT WILL ALWAYS EXPOSE and surpass darkness !!

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